We are pleased to invite you to the launch of a new monthly community series around the theme of connection. In this brief 5-minute introduction, listen to Inner Green Deal founders Liane and Jeroen reflect on the human dimension of climate change and the importance of connection.

The first online community event will take place on Thursday October 27th from 4 to 5 pm CET.

Please register via THIS LINK  for the event.   

The one-hour event will offer time to exchange and connect and include a guided practice and a conversation with Jamie Bristow, the co-director of The Mindfulness Initiative and co-author of the landmark report "Reconnection - Meeting the Climate Crisis Inside Out"   You can share with your community on LinkedIn VIA THIS LINK.

The Inner Green Deal addresses the human dimension of sustainability and supports leaders, change makers and facilitators to accelerate the green transformation.  We offer a range of short and longer programmes cultivating collaboration, systems thinking and a widening sense of care. In addition to programmes for organisations, we empower facilitators and offer train-the-trainer programmes, access to curricula and digital tools to create cohesive communities of change.  

The Inner Green Deal is a non-profit organisation based in Cologne and Brussels with a growing community around the world. 

For more information, go to the Inner Green Deal website or write to [email protected].  

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