Next Episode: Who Needs God: I Do

We all want to rid the world of injustice. But we can only recognize injustice if we know  what justice is to begin with. But maybe the best way to rid the world of injustice is to rid the world of God. We don’t always agree about what is just. So, who gets to define justice if not God? When God is gone, injustice leaves with him because justice leaves with him.

If anyone had a reason to stop believing in God because of injustice, it was Jesus. The one who stands at the center of all we believe was treated extraordinarily unfairly. The one who taught us all people have inherent value was executed. The one whose definition of good and just informs your definitions of good and just was treated unjustly. Evil and injustice are not arguments against the existence of God. They are evidence of our need for his mercy and grace.  Scripture references: 1 John 4:7-8; John 12:47; Luke 18:7-8