We all want to be masters of our own destinies. We all want to feel in control of our lives.  The idea of autonomy is attractive. It makes life feel ordered and predictable. But our  desire for autonomy can stand in the way of faith. One of the biggest barriers to belief in  God is that we don’t want to believe because we don’t want to need anyone. But what if  autonomy is an illusion? 

Don’t let the illusion of autonomy stand in the way of a relationship with your heavenly  Father. Don’t be turned away from God by the prospect that his existence means you’re  guilty, accountable, and wrong. Acknowledging your sin and reaching out to God doesn’t  lead to condemnation. It opens the door to forgiveness, relationship, and truth. Romans  5:8; James 4:8-10

This message "I Do" is the final week of our series "Who Needs God" at Inland Hills Church. We invite you to check out the rest of the series, and subscribe to our channel so that you never miss a new message!

People are migrating away from religion at an unprecedented rate—Christianity in particular. Once upon a time, people believed religion offered solutions. Today, many people view religion as the problem.

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