
[4:28] Rebirth in every moment

[20:05] Emotional addictions

[37:35] Nature's magic 


Meet Heath Armstrong:

Heath Armstrong is an Author, the Co-Founder of Rage Create, and an ECommerce Maniac. He is the creator of Sweet-Ass Affirmations: Motivation for Your Creative Maniac Mind, " several Sweet-Ass Journals, and the host of the "Never Stop Peaking" podcast. 

After waking up face-down-pants down in his garage during a rock-bottom breakdown, Heath started adopting the strategies of 100+ creative entrepreneurs that he interviewed around the world with the help of a few magical strangers. 

In 2016, Heath retired his traditional 'career' in concrete-construction, sold all of his belongings, and scaled his bootstrapped e-commerce startup to hit multiple 6-figure months while wearing mostly just his undies. Since then, he has worked location-independent from over twenty countries, summited the world's largest free standing volcano, survived rafting the Nile River, witnessed exorcisms in Indonesia, and fallen in love with the culture and experience of East African digital education for children. 

He is also the co-founder of FbaLeadList.com, SellerSpaceship.com, and a founding partner of Releaf Outings, a nature experience company based in Tennessee.

What I love about Heath is that he represents the journey of personal metamorphosis that is possible in all of us. Just like the caterpillar’s journey to ultimately transforming into the butterfly, Heath went from struggling in a life he didn’t want, one where numbing out and escaping reality in a variety of ways was the norm, to traveling the world, living life on his own terms, having multiple streams of income and helping thousands of people around the world tap into their own truth.. and transform their dreams into reality.


Connect with Heath:




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