
[4:26]  Leading From Love 

[20:30] Work that gives you energy

[30:14] Giving perfect feedback


Meet Ryan Hartley:

Ryan Hartley, is the heart and mind behind Always Better than Yesterday®. He shows up every day in an effort to make the world a better place, for one person, team, organization and community at a time. 

Ryan is the epitome of what it means to be a coach. He helps get the best out of everyone around him. 

From a young age, Ryan was fascinated with psychology and had a real desire to help people. He has always  been a real student of people, leadership and culture.

Through his journey he has felt the pain of judgment, scrutiny and blame. He's not felt good enough and experienced imposter syndrome on many occasions. He's felt alienated and like he doesn't belong. He's felt like he had to change to fit in or fulfill expectations. 

What I love about Ryan is that his story is, in so many ways, all of our stories. We can all relate to not feeling good enough, alienated, or like we don’t quite belong. And the key is whether or not we are willing to do the work to look at all of those feelings, and the ideas and beliefs behind them… to find out who we really are. 

It wasn't until Ryan  became a Father for the first time in 2012 that he learned the true meaning of leadership. To put our own needs to one-side to serve others. He has learned through experience what it means to be a loving leader, who is courageous, authentic and purposeful. Since discovering his own purpose, he has gone on to help 100s of teams and individuals discover theirs. 


Connect with Ryan: 










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