
No matter how many mani/pedis, bubble baths, or massages we get we will all run into this problem if we are in the healing business long enough.  We give of ourselves day in and day out and rarely stop to think about how this may be affecting not just ourselves, but those closest to us.  

I am SO thrilled Heather Glidden has written about this topic and is sharing her insights with us for FREE!  Her love for this community and her desire for ALL of us to THRIVE in our healing businesses is tangible and authentic.  If you are in a healing modality as a profession I hope you'll take a listen and grab a copy of Heather's book via the link below.  

InJoy! - Emily 

Book - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07HXMX83V?fbclid=IwAR2H2M2TnmgZ3vDP__9Yx0Wn1i2V3mhx3RcmVL66hwIU_NfVxahvZAXzY5c

Heather Glidden - https://www.heatherglidden.com/

Emily - https://www.instagram.com/injoymovementstudio/?hl=en

Acuity - https://acuityscheduling.com/?kw=YToxMTk4NDUzNw%3D%3D