Aprenda por que é importante descobrir o seu “porquê” e aprenda um phrasal verb que significa “descobrir” no mini-podcast de hoje! FRASES NO MINI PODCAST DE HOJE: And one of the core philosophies is: figure out your why. Little and often. How about it? Figure out Let’s figure out the best way to do this. […]

The post Descubra o seu porquê | Inglês Todos os Dias #579 appeared first on Domine Inglês.

Aprenda por que é importante descobrir o seu “porquê” e aprenda um phrasal verb que significa “descobrir” no mini-podcast de hoje!


And one of the core philosophies is: figure out your why.

Little and often.

How about it?

Figure out

Let’s figure out the best way to do this.

I was trying to figure out what was wrong.

I can’t figure out what is going on.

I need to figure out how to solve this puzzle.

I’m going to figure out why this computer is freezing.

I’m trying to figure out the mystery behind this.

I’m trying to figure out how to fix my car.

I’m trying to figure out how to stick to my goals.

I am trying to figure out how ______________ .

I’m trying to figure out why ______________ .




Let’s practice! Complete one of these sentences in the comments section below!

I am trying to figure out how ______________ .

I’m trying to figure out why ______________ .


The post Descubra o seu porquê | Inglês Todos os Dias #579 appeared first on Domine Inglês.