It's entirely reasonable to assume that things will go wrong from time to time.

Things will go wrong in your life, your business, and within your investment portfolio.

When a crisis lands, what matters most is how you respond.

My guest today is Frank Supovitz, THE man behind the scenes at major events including the Super Bowl, Stanley Cup and Indy 500.

As Senior Vice President of Events for the National Football League, Frank oversaw the meteoric growth of the Super Bowl, Pro Bowl and NFL Draft. He's one of only four people to have been in charge of the Super Bowl in its 50-year history.

Frank is author of What to Do When Things Go Wrong, where he guides readers through the process of making sure you handle inevitable problems as if it's something you do day in and day out.

This conversation is all about thinking through and preparing for all potential problems. Because things will go wrong; it's our preparation and response when that happens that makes all of the difference.

Here's my conversation with Frank Supovitz, author of What to Do When Things Go Wrong, in episode 451 of Informed Choice Radio.