The German poet Theodor Fontane once wrote: A good aphorism contains the wisdom of an entire book in one sentence.

In his new book, The Art of a Successful Life, Dr Rainer Zitelmann goes a step further, collating a myriad of quotes all of which offer insights to inspire you to think about yourself, your life and your goals, and to give you the confidence and strength to cope with difficult situations.

Rainer has curated quotes from a range of thinkers; from the physicist Stephen Hawking to the artist Michelangelo, and from entrepreneurs such as Henry Ford, Steve Jobs and Warren Buffett to Confucius and Schopenhauer.

In bringing them together, he provides an original and practical guide to everyday life.

In this conversation, I chat with Rainer about looking for opportunities in times of crisis, why failure isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, and how we can apply the wisdom from others in our daily lives.

Here’s my conversation with Dr Rainer Zitelmann, author of The Art of a Successful Life, in episode 500 of Informed Choice Radio.