In this episode of Talking Money from Informed Choice Radio; the Bank of England faces criticism for its financial support of high-carbon businesses, there’s a chance to the self-assessment deadline, and Covid income inequality needs to be tackled.

Welcome to episode 7 of Talking Money, with Martin Bamford and Hannah Godfrey.

In each episode of Talking Money, we take a topical look at the big money stories of the week, putting our personal spin on the news.

The Bank of England has been criticised by the Environmental Audit Committee of MPs, after providing emergency funding to 230 large companies, more than half of which are high-carbon firms.

While protecting jobs is the priority for today, is the future all about Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) investing?

HMRC has pushed back the deadline for self-assessment, from 31st January to 28th February. But the deadline extension isn’t as straightforward as it first appears.

Oxfam has published a damning report, The Inequality Virus, which reveals rising levels of income inequality in every country across the world.

Are we living with a rigged economic system, with no recession for the richest?