My guest on the podcast today is Vishal Agarwal and he has lived the corporate life cycle from start to finish. He started as an intern and worked up to Senior Deals Partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Until very recently, Vishal was a Global Top 500 Senior Leader for General Electric before becoming Chairman and CEO of his own private investment management firm, Full Circle Africa. During his twenty-four-year career, he navigated all facets of corporate life from building teams and delivering value, to translating multinational visions into local wins.

In his new book, Give to Get, Vishal illuminates rarely discussed challenges for those in business leadership roles, from overcoming “new guy syndrome,” to creating a stakeholder map, taking your credit to the bank, finding your why, earning trust and building support, and overcoming burnout.

I think this conversation is a must listen for anyone working in a corporate role, for both leaders and those aspiring to become leaders. And if that's not you, then who do you know who would get some value from listening to this episode? Please pass it along.

Here's my conversation with Vishal Argarwal, author of Give to Get, in episode 328 of Informed Choice Radio.