My guest on the show today is Jim Mellon, co-author of a new book called Juvenescence.

Jim is a visionary entrepreneur with a flair for identifying emerging global trends. Most notably and very publicly, he predicted the credit crunch of 2007-08 in a book entitled “Wake Up! Survive and Prosper in the Coming Economic Turmoil”. The book cited catalysts for the impending crisis including unsustainable levels of consumer debt in the western world, a U.S. housing crash, derivative financial instruments and governmental fiscal mismanagement – the rest is history!

As an investor, Jim has built a worldwide business empire. He’s serially amongst the top 10% in the Sunday Times Rich List and holds a master’s degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics from Oxford University.

In his new book Juvenescence, co-authored with Al Chalabi, Jim provides a layman’s guide to longevity. It investigates the new technologies and explains how to benefit from the life extending technologies both personally and professionally. The book helps readers unravel the science, offers ideas on potential investment and reveals the views of the key opinion leaders.

Here’s my conversation with billionaire investor Jim Mellon, in episode 310 of Informed Choice Radio.