My guest on the podcast today is Dr Christin ter Braak-Forstinger, author of the new book Conscious Investing.

Dr Christin ter Braak-Forstinger is the founder of PVA Advisory and the co-founder of Chi Impact Capital. She has a longstanding and professional track record in the area of strategic philanthropy- and impact investing advisory.

Christin completed her postgraduate studies at Duke Law School and at Harvard Law School. Her dissertation and her master’s thesis received several awards.

Conscious investors are part of a growing movement who believe they can do better things with their money when they deeply connect with their money and when they allow themselves to see the big picture: namely, the wider systemic impact that their investment decisions entail.

Conscious investing enlarges the picture beyond the intention to create a positive social and environmental impact, next to achieving a financial return, and brings a systemic view to the investor. It is described as both a state of awareness as well as a holistic form of impactful investing.

Here’s my conversation with Dr Christin ter Braak-Forstinger, author of Conscious Investing, in episode 286 of Informed Choice Radio.

My guest on the podcast today is Dr Christin ter Braak-Forstinger, author of the new book Conscious Investing.

Dr Christin ter Braak-Forstinger is the founder of PVA Advisory and the co-founder of Chi Impact Capital. She has a longstanding and professional track record in the area of strategic philanthropy- and impact investing advisory.

Christin completed her postgraduate studies at Duke Law School and at Harvard Law School. Her dissertation and her master’s thesis received several awards.

Conscious investors are part of a growing movement who believe they can do better things with their money when they deeply connect with their money and when they allow themselves to see the big picture: namely, the wider systemic impact that their investment decisions entail.

Conscious investing enlarges the picture beyond the intention to create a positive social and environmental impact, next to achieving a financial return, and brings a systemic view to the investor. It is described as both a state of awareness as well as a holistic form of impactful investing.

Here’s my conversation with Dr Christin ter Braak-Forstinger, author of Conscious Investing, in episode 286 of Informed Choice Radio.