Today on the show, I'm joined by Neala Okuromade.

Neala is known for her passion aimed at personal finance. She's the author of the book What’s Your Financial Gameplan? which deals with personal finance issues, founded on a long fascination for implementing practical solutions to everyday money problems.

With over fourteen years’ experience in accounting, Neala is a member of the ‘Association of Certified Chartered Accountants’ during which time she has managed finance departments.

Neala is passionate about empowering the everyday person to make a success of their personal finances, especially in today’s tough and chaotic economic climate.

An avid studier of world financial news, economics and investing for many years, Neala now wants to take what she has studied, learnt and practised, and simplify it for anyone who thinks anything financial is too complicated and impossible to understand.

Here's my conversation with Neala Okuromade, author of What's your Financial Game Plan?, in episode 280 of Informed Choice Radio.