Hello and welcome to this episode of Informed Choice Radio. My guest on the show today is Tim Albert.

Tim was born in 1947. He studied psychology and sociology at Surrey University and then trained as a journalist on local newspapers in Devon. In 1973 he moved to London and started working on national newspapers, and specialised in education.

In the 1980s he became a medical journalist, and in 1990 set up as a trainer, specialising in writing and editing skills for health professionals.

Tim moved on from full time training in 2007. He now writes and promotes books and cultivates his garden in Surrey.

His new book is Mostly We Had It Good. In this book he traces his journey through the last five decades of the 20th century, using his memories, discussions with others, family documents and the articles he wrote at the time.

It looks at family life in the austere post-war years, education in a monastery school and a brand-new university, training as a journalist on a local paper, the fights for a fairer education and against NHS changes, and a doomed attempt to persuade health professionals to write clearly.

In this episode, I chat to Tim about being part of the post-war baby boomer generation, whether this really is a fortunate generation, and  some of the key milestones which have shaped his life.

You can find the show notes for this episode at icradio.co.uk/254. There's useful links and you can also download the full episode transcript. That's all at icradio.co.uk/254.

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Here's my conversation with Tim Albert, author of Mostly We Had It Good, in episode 254 of Informed Choice Radio.