This week on the show, as we celebrate the milestone of 250 podcast episodes, I answer questions from some past guests.

A big thank you to Iona Bain, Pete Matthew, James Wallman, Jon 'JB' Beckett and Kelly Eroglu for sharing their questions.

Thank you also to Richard Hanson, an Informed Choice Radio listener who I bumped into last weekend and asked to record a question for the share!

Most importantly, thank you for listening and continuing to support Informed Choice Radio.

With 250 episodes under our belt, we are very close now to 100,000 total downloads, a milestone we hope to reach in the next week or so.

There are some big plans for this podcast in the future and I can't wait to bring you the next 250 episodes.

Personal finance news

-Around 200,000 staff working in UK higher education face big changes to the future pension entitlement with the deficit of the sector's main pension scheme soaring to £12.6bn. Despite achieving a positive rate of investment returns in the past year and adding £10.2bn to its assets, the Universities Superannuation Scheme has also experienced rising liabilities.

-Bank of England governor Mark Carney has warned that uncertainty over Brexit is already weighing on the economy. His comments as the Bank voted six to two to maintain low interest rates and cut its economic growth forecasts.

-Delays to state pensions have resulted in more than one million women in their early 60s being worse off financially. The Institute for Fiscal Studies found that women aged 60 to 62 were £32 a week worse off on average.

-Elderly people in the UK face a shortage of 30,000 care home beds by the end of next year. The research commissioned by BBC Radio 4's You and Yours programme found the ageing population could result in a shortfall of 70,000 care home beds in nine years' time.

-Pay for chief executives has fallen during the past year. FTSE 100 bosses earn an average of £4.5m a year, down from £5.4m a year in 2015. An average full-time worker in the UK would take 160 years to earn the same amount, based on an average salary of £28,000 a year.

Get answers to your personal finance questions

Do you have a personal finance or investing question for Martin?

Email [email protected] or ask on Twitter @martinbamford.

You can call our dedicated podcast voicemail line on 020 8144 2745 with your question or visit to leave an online voice message.

This week on the show, as we celebrate the milestone of 250 podcast episodes, I answer questions from some past guests.

A big thank you to Iona Bain, Pete Matthew, James Wallman, Jon 'JB' Beckett and Kelly Eroglu for sharing their questions.

Thank you also to Richard Hanson, an Informed Choice Radio listener who I bumped into last weekend and asked to record a question for the share!

Most importantly, thank you for listening and continuing to support Informed Choice Radio.

With 250 episodes under our belt, we are very close now to 100,000 total downloads, a milestone we hope to reach in the next week or so.

There are some big plans for this podcast in the future and I can't wait to bring you the next 250 episodes.

Personal finance news

-Around 200,000 staff working in UK higher education face big changes to the future pension entitlement with the deficit of the sector's main pension scheme soaring to £12.6bn. Despite achieving a positive rate of investment returns in the past year and adding £10.2bn to its assets, the Universities Superannuation Scheme has also experienced rising liabilities.

-Bank of England governor Mark Carney has warned that uncertainty over Brexit is already weighing on the economy. His comments as the Bank voted six to two to maintain low interest rates and cut its economic growth forecasts.

-Delays to state pensions have resulted in more than one million women in their early 60s being worse off financially. The Institute for Fiscal Studies found that women aged 60 to 62 were £32 a week worse off on average.

-Elderly people in the UK face a shortage of 30,000 care home beds by the end of next year. The research commissioned by BBC Radio 4's You and Yours programme found the ageing population could result in a shortfall of 70,000 care home beds in nine years' time.

-Pay for chief executives has fallen during the past year. FTSE 100 bosses earn an average of £4.5m a year, down from £5.4m a year in 2015. An average full-time worker in the UK would take 160 years to earn the same amount, based on an average salary of £28,000 a year.

Get answers to your personal finance questions

Do you have a personal finance or investing question for Martin?

Email [email protected] or ask on Twitter @martinbamford.

You can call our dedicated podcast voicemail line on 020 8144 2745 with your question or visit to leave an online voice message.

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