My guest on the show today is Dr Matthew Partridge, author of Superinvestors: Lessons from the greatest investors in history.

Superinvestors lays bare the investing secrets of legendary investors - from early 20th-century figures such as Benjamin Graham and John Maynard Keynes, through to more modern names such as Anthony Bolton and Warren Buffett. 

Matthew selected the investors featured in Superinvestors based on a variety of criteria, including their investing excellence, the different ways in which they have made money - and above all for what they can teach individual investors. 

Matthew is an experienced financial journalist, as a senior writer for MoneyWeek magazine, Britain's biggest-selling personal finance weekly. 

A trained historian, Matthew did a degree in economics and history at the University of Durham, before doing a master's and a doctorate in economic history at the London School of Economics. 

He has taught at Goldsmiths, University of London, as well as spending time at various investment banks and a well-known economics consultancy.

Here's my conversation with Matthew Partridge, in episode 237 of Informed Choice Radio.