The snap election called by Theresa May last week is already upsetting some policies.  In this episode, I'm taking a look at what the snap election means for your personal finances.

There’s also a roundup of the latest personal finance news – everything you need to know about what’s going on in the world of money in five news items.

I share my favourite money article this week, a random fact about money and an inspirational quote.

There’s also the aftershow, where I talk about what’s been going on at Informed Choice this week.

Personal finance news update

-8 out of 10 people who retire wish they’d kept working longer.

-House prices fell again in April, for a second month in a row.

-The majority of consumers underestimate the percentage of protection claims paid by insurers.

-More than half of parents of young drivers have ‘fronted’, or would consider ‘fronting’, a car insurance policy for their children in order to get them lower car insurance premiums.

-There is less than a week left to spend your old five pound notes, before they cease to become legal tender.

Money article of the week

-Women need to take back control of the financial agenda, by Iona Bain

Random fact of the week

5% of the people who buy lottery tickets account for 51% of all tickets sold. Add to that sad fact that a person who drives 10 miles to buy their lottery ticket is 3 times more likely to be killed in a car accident while driving to buy the ticket than they are to win the jackpot. Not the best odds! 

Inspirational quote

Our money quote this week comes from Benjamin Franklin, who said: 

"Beware of small expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship." 

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