Each Spring, around 5,000 private investors gather in London to learn from expert speakers how to make the most of their savings, talk directly to CEOs of companies they can invest into, and hear the UK’s leading entrepreneurs and fund managers speak about future trends.

Master Investor is now the UK’s leading, must-visit event for private investors. And this year, Informed Choice Radio was invited to attend as an exhibitor. We had a stand in the new personal finance bloggers area of the show, and spent the day meeting other exhibitors, speakers and lots of delegates.

In this episode, we speak to Ed Bowsher from Share Radio, Matthew Jennings from Fidelity International and Tom Murray Brown from ECf Solutions, before answering investment questions from a number of visitors to our stand.

Personal finance news update

-People’s confidence in their personal finances was stronger last month, according to the latest Spending Power Report from Lloyds Bank.

-The new £1 coin became legal tender this week. It’s the first new £1 coin to be introduced in more than 30 years and will be the most secure of its kind in the world, as HM Treasury aims to tackle counterfeits.

-New research from Aegon UK has found 45% of working age adults have no ISA savings for the purpose of retirement.

-Tesco has agreed to pay a fine of £129m to avoid prosecution for overstating its profits in 2014.

-Mortgage approvals from banks have reached their lowest level in three months, according to the British Bankers’ Association.

Get answers to your personal finance questions

Do you have a personal finance or investing question for Martin?

Email [email protected] or ask on Twitter @martinbamford.

You can call our dedicated podcast voicemail line on 020 8144 2745 with your question or visit www.icradio.co.uk/voicemail to leave an online voice message.

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