How much do you spend each week on food?

If you’re anything like me, you probably aren’t as frugal in the supermarket as you could be. When I’m food shopping, I’ve got one eye on the price label, but rarely go hunting for those yellow sticker bargains.

Kelly Eroglu is founder of the website Reduced Grub.

Her moto is ‘eat like a King for pennies’ and her blog is the home of sharing recipes, information and bargain alerts.

In this episode of Informed Choice Radio, I speak to Kelly about finding food bargains in the supermarket, the community that is growing up around reduced grub, how much a family can save each week by shopping for these special offers, the best supermarkets for finding reduced grub, and much more.

Welcome to Reduced Grub with Kelly Eroglu, in episode 181 of Informed Choice Radio.

Some questions I ask:

-What inspired you to start Reduced Grub?

-Who does shopping for food bargains tend to appeal to?

-How much can someone typically save from their shopping bill?

-Do all supermarkets reduce down to the same price levels?

-Is there a particularly good time of the day to go hunting for food bargains?

-What's the cheapest meal you've cooked using reduced grub?

-What difference does shopping for reduced grub make to a family's diet, in terms of quality and health?

-Is safety and hygiene a consideration when buying reduced grub?

Useful links mentioned in this episode:

-Reduced Grub website

-Reduced Grub on Pinterest

-Kelly on Twitter

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