My guest on the podcast today is an investment expert with more than quarter of a century of experience.

Trevor Greetham is Head of Multi Asset at Royal London Asset Management.

He joined RLAM in April 2015 from Fidelity where, as Asset Allocation Director, he was responsible for implementing tactical investment decisions across a range of solutions including the Fidelity Multi Asset Strategic fund with a strong performance track record.

In the newly-created role of Head of Multi Asset at RLAM, Trevor became responsible for managing Royal London’s existing multi-asset solutions and also responsible for driving the development of new asset allocation solutions.

Trevor is known for his work on the Investment Clock; an approach linking the performance of various investments to the different phases of the economic cycle.

This is just one of a range of tactical asset allocation models that bring science to investment decision making but crucially, it leaves room for good judgement and experience to play its part.

In today’s episode of Informed Choice Radio, I speak to Trevor about the current stage of the economic cycle and how long this might last, whether the so-called Trump Rally is significant for investors, what might spook investors as the UK triggers Article 50 in March, whether the Bank of England was right in its decision to cut interest rates again last year, why China is on his investment radar for 2017, and how gold represent a bad choice of safe haven for investors.

Welcome to Rock Around The Investment Clock with Trevor Greetham, in episode 171 of Informed Choice Radio.

Some questions I ask:

-How does the Investment Clock work and where do we find ourselves today in the economic cycle?

-Is the Trump Rally significant and can we expect it to continue?

-Last year was good for index trackers but challenging for actively managed funds. Is this likely to repeat in the future?

-What are you looking out for as the UK negotiates its exit from the European Union?

-Was the Bank of England right to cut interest rates following the Referendum last summer?

-What other factors should investors be considering? What's on your investment radar at the moment?

-Is there too much correlation between the different asset classes? Can investors still achieve effective diversification?

-Why is gold a bad idea at the current stage of the investment cycle?

Thank you for listening!

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