Today on the podcast, I'm sharing some thoughts on How To Make More Money By Doing Less.

One of my personal goals for 2017 is to do less. This isn't about being lazy, but wanting to make more of my time.

After all, we all have finite time and it’s so easy to fill with ‘being busy’.

So I gave some thought to how we might make more of our wealth by doing less. Here are some ideas.

To get you started, click here for the comprehensive checklist of all 5 points and some valuable notes (it’s FREE!). Get my detailed checklist here!

Personal finance news update

-The spending power of the average UK household rose by nearly £600 in the last financial year. Disposable income for the typical UK household rose to £26,332 after taxes, according to the ONS.

-The price of petrol and diesel in the UK has risen to its highest since July 2015. This follows a three-pence-a-litre increase during December.

-Younger generations are due to inherit more than their predecessors, but with greater inheritance inequality. New research by the Institute for Fiscal Studies found the wealth of older generations has risen by an average of 45% over the past ten years.

-New research from Gocompare has found that, on average, people now manage over 30 accounts across all aspects of their lives. These range from online banking and shopping, to gym memberships and subscriptions for home entertainment.

-Millions of credit card holders face a New Year financial hangover because they aren’t clued up about their credit card. The new research from MoneySuperMarket reveals two thirds of credit card holders don’t keep a close eye on how much they spend on credit and only check their statement at least once a month.

Get answers to your personal finance questions

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Email [email protected] or ask on Twitter @martinbamford.

You can call our dedicated podcast voicemail line on 020 8144 2745 with your question or visit to leave an online voice message.

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