Have you ever thought about building a legacy?

Maybe you’ve wanted to start your legacy but don’t know where to start.

My guest on the podcast today is Samuel Knickerbocker, author of Fuel Your Legacy: 9-Pillars to Build a Meaningful Legacy.

Sam specialises in 21st-century financial strategies which are focused on helping you establish a legacy of meaning.

Because, as you will hear in our conversation today, your legacy is not dependent on your wealth.

Sam grew up in poverty, his family relying on government and church aid.

Despite earning good money from a young age, it was a change in his mindset that allowed a fundamental shift from poverty to legacy to take place.

Sam’s book, Fuel Your Legacy, is the ideal place to start identifying the identity of what your legacy could be.

Here’s my conversation with Sam Knickerbocker, author of Fuel Your Legacy and host of The Fuel Your Legacy Show, in episode 515 of Informed Choice Radio.