As a woman of great courage following her heart, she relates moving from a place of feeling lost and empty to being a trailblazing first ever life coach in the Philippines.  Through her work she “found herself”, and wants that same journey for everyone.  Her gracious open-hearted sharing about becoming “present to yourself” will inspire all to know that they are more than enough, just as they are.

Kimilu is a global Neuro-Linguistic Hypnotherapy Life Coach, a Reiki Master Practitioner, a Certified Nia Instructor and Certified Sister Stories Facilitator.  She has been guiding growth-seekers and heart-centered leaders through individual and corporate well-being programs and workshops since 2010.  

She received her certification at the Bennet Stellar University and was initiated with “Angels” at the Spiritual Unfoldment Network in Manhattan, New York City.  She also trained at Urban Breath New York for BioDynamic Breathwork, practiced meditation at The Art of Living Center New York, and trained to become a Storyteller at The Story Studio New York. She integrates the Art of Sensation in all the workshops she co-creates for self-discovery, self-healing and self-mastery.

In 2020, she launched her certification program called SacredSpace™ Certification, a 10-week program designed to empower professionals, coaches and consultants in their desire to serve clients, teams and community members with a heart-centered approach through her distinct mind-body-spirit framework.  During the same year she started her podcast called “Celebrate Life with Kimilu Life Coach” which features guided exercises from her 10 day meditation program.  [email protected]