Do you ever feel like Instagram is a waste of time for your blog? Do you figure that if it’s not driving traffic to your blog, it’s not worth your time and energy? I get that. But today, I want to show why Instagram matters for bloggers and how to use it to its fullest so that it can impact your business. 

I started my original blog in 2009. Instagram wasn’t even in existence at the time, and as it came on the scene, I wasn’t fully convinced that I needed to spend any of my limited energy on it. When I finally got on the platform, I could not figure out the purpose of it. 

All of us OG bloggers were used to being able to drop links to our blog on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. Those links drove traffic, and traffic is what we needed. 

Instagram didn’t have the capability of leaving a direct link, so we all figured, why bother?

That was all back in 2021. We’re now 12 years past that, and Instagram is more important than ever. But if you don’t know how to use it, it will still be frustrating for you.

Grab your Instagram Engagement Guide

Read more HERE.