Today, I am thrilled to announce that tickets are on sale at the early bird price for Influencer Entrepreneurs Academy coming up April 2 - 4, 2019.  IEA will empower to women bloggers and influencers to scale and grow their businesses.  I am so excited to finally be able to share more about it with you and to open up those early bird ticket sales.

I have been blogging for many years and in that time, I have attended many, many blogging conferences. I have loved every minute of the learning and networking I have been able to do at each and every one. My goal in creating this event is to take the best parts of the conferences I have attended and bring them together in one amazing event.

While I really enjoy attending and speaking at niche-driven conferences, I wanted my event to be broader. As a lifestyle blogger myself for the past 8 years, I know that I learn the most when I can get around bloggers in many different niches. I get to see what they’re doing to grow their businesses and the specific things that are working for each niche.


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