I am super excited to have Meredith Marsh on the podcast with me this week to help us figure out how to get YouTube views. Meredith is a Youtube expert and you guys know I have been focusing heavily on video in my own business for several months now. I can’t wait to hear everything Meredith will share with us today. Be sure to listen to the entire episode to get all the great tips she shares, especially what she says about using tags.

Meredith’s home base is at VidProMom where she helps people figure out video. She offers tutorials for video editing, creating hobby videos and family videos, as well as helping bloggers learn how to use Youtube to grow their blogs. Be sure to check out her podcast, Video Pursuit Podcast, for even more tips.

I have to admit right up front that Youtube and I are not besties. Not by a long shot. I don’t feel comfortable with it and I don’t know how to best leverage it for my business. I used to feel that way about Instagram and now I adore that platform so I hope you’ll jump in with me and let Meredith teach us how to take Youtube by the horns and use it to grow our businesses. Let’s start where we always start...with the why.



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