Are you ready to pitch brands to work on sponsored content, but you don't know where to start?  All too often I get asked who to reach out to and what to say when I do.

Today I'm walking you through my exact process for creating a converting pitch.  Not only will you walk away with who to reach out to, but specifically what to say to land that sponsored content.

Topics Discussed:

Importance of understanding an elevator pitch

A brain dump for determining an elevator pitch

Honing in on specifics that stand out from the brain dump

How to set yourself apart in your pitch with your strengths

Understanding the importance of your influence on your audience

Checking your pantry for regularly used items and brands

Finding the golden ticket or email address on their website

How to use Twitter or Instagram to find the email address

Importance of an authentic pitch that is relevant to the season {3-4months in advance}

Keeping the pitch general

Very specific call to action and the reasoning behind it

Resources Mentioned:

I make a portion of any sales made as an affiliate.

Pitch Perfect Challenge

Working with Brands eCourse

IE 22: How to Increase Productivity with Jennifer Roskamp

IE 17: How to Monetize Twitter with Saira Perl

Influencers 101 Twitter Course

Influencer Entrepreneurs Masters Membership Site

Working with Brands eCourse Waitlist

Don’t Forget:

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