The importance of an email list in an online business is glaringly obvious so the question becomes how can you grow your email list?

Dustin W. Stout of Dustn.Tv is sharing how he continues to grow his email list with content upgrades littered throughout his content.

Be sure to check out his 6 Easy Stages of Growing your List and grab his free download in the process.

Topics Discussed:

Introduction of Dustin W. Stout of Dustn.Tv

Difficulty of being an online entrepreneur and delegating to a team

Projections of Google+

Importance of Google+ for local businesses

The need for a WP site because social media platforms have their own agenda

Why a list is a must

Stage one of growing a list with lead magnets

Power of a content upgrade to grow your list

Contextual calls to action

How to promote lead magnets via social media

Speak to your audience on the social media platforms

Software to make list growth easier

Projections for 2017


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