Time is always well spent when you're continuing to educate yourself which is why I've put together 15 Best Books for Women Entrepreneurs.  I try to ready every night before bed, but definitely have my fair share of books that I binge read.  Even ones that inspire me so much that I sign up to run a half marathon directly after finishing them.

If you have been hanging around here for any length of time, you may know that I started a book club for anybody who wanted to join in where we were reading a business book per month. And while we read some great books, I heard from many of you that you wanted more books that were coming from the point of view of a mom entrepreneur.

Because of that feedback, I have spent the past 6 months looking for books that take into consideration all the things a mom has to deal with when she starts a business. Let’s face it, men can talk all day about the hustle and the grind; about putting in 80-hour weeks to get something off the ground; about “putting your head down and getting things done.”

But for moms who are also entrepreneurs, there is a lot more to consider than just the business. We have kids who have school and homework. We have meals to make and groceries to buy, doctor appointments to keep and soccer practice or dance, and we as a whole are responsible for the majority of the housework and cooking.

Before we dive into the titles, let me say that some of these books are written by male authors. I personally think it is important to get more than one perspective and each and every book on my list has had an impact on me and my business. So without further ado, let’s jump in.



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