Take the time to listen in to this episode to get a better grasp of how you can improve your SEO.

If you’ve been listening to this podcast for a while, you have heard me talk many times about the Everything Food Conference

I love this conference and have spoken at it twice in the past, so I am especially thrilled to have Ty Kilgore here today. 

Ty owns Everything Digital Marketing, and his wife, Kami, created the Everything Food Conference

About a year and a half ago, Ty was working a 9 - 5 job in the digital marketing space.

 After the Everything Food Conference that year, he and Kami sent out a post-conference survey and asked their attendees “What is some information you would like to know more about?” 

Over 200 people filled out the survey and nearly all of them responded that they wanted to know more about SEO. It became a great opportunity because of Ty’s 12-year background in the SEO industry.

Read more HERE