Running a business can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to know how to charge what you're worth. How can you know what value you are really providing? 

The truth is that we can all know the value we provide simply by talking to our customers, clients, and audience. If you are solving their problems, you are providing value. 

My guest today is going to share some ways you can make sure you are charging what you are worth. 

Mike McDerment is the founding CEO of FreshBooks. FreshBooks is cloud-based accounting software. 

Mike created this software when he was running a design firm. The accounting software that he was using just wasn’t working well for him as he tried to create and send invoices and collect payments. 

Mike created the software and transitioned away from the design firm to being a software company. Since then over 20 million people have used their software with customers in over 100 different countries.

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