John Rampton live to grow companies online. He has built (with an amazing team) over 4 unicorns over the past 10 years with over $18 billion in online revenue directly attributed to my teams.

John was recently the "Top Online Influencer in the World" by Entrepreneur Magazine. Time Magazine recognized John as a motivations speaker that helps people find a "Sense of Meaning" in their lives. He currently advises and manages several companies about their growth strategies.


During the show we discuss:

● Becaming the “Top Online Influencer in the World”

● How to find a “Sense of Meaning” in life

● Why is it important to focus on your niche

● How to effectively plan a startup business

● The challenges of startup businesses

● The new ways or strategies to ensure the success of your startup success

● The key to maintain growth in your business

● The strategies to grow your business


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