June 15, 2020
Influence Yourself 1st
Trusting Your Voice with Amanda Jackson
Episode 8

On the show today, I sat down with Amanda Jackson, founder of Social Marketing by Amanda. Through her digital marketing agency, she has worked with independent artists whose work has been featured in major movies such as, The Social Network and Iron Man. She has also promoted events for big name artists such as Miguel, Lil Kim, Scarface and many more.

We had an amazing conversation about trusting your voice. How many times do we second guess ourselves but never hesitant to trust someone else? How often do we adopt ideas and beliefs that we hold on to? When you fail to trust your voice, you fail to believe in you. Listen and learn how trusting your voice can propel you into places you never imagined. Here are some key points in the show:

Hearing my voice away from other people help me find myself (6:16)People throw things at us and they stick to us (16:36)Living on purpose (23:23)

You can connect with Amanda here:

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Thank you for listening,
Chinitha Johnson 

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