"If you want to make a difference, be different. Stop making excuses and dream bigger." -Caleb Maddix

My guest this week is 14 years old. That's not a typo. He is a 14 year old published author who is traveling all over the world as a paid speaker, rubbing shoulders with the likes of Grant Cardone, Gary Vaynerchuck, and others. Meet Caleb Maddix, internet sensation, founder of Kids 4 Success and author of Keys to Success for Kids. 

Caleb is up to big things, and his dreams are even bigger. Millionaire by 16, billionaire by 30, Caleb is shattering expectations and squelching the argument of anyone who is convinced "they can't".  The fact that Caleb is 14, doesn't mean I let him off easy. I wanted to find out what exactly he is doing to make such a powerful impression as an entrepreneurial. Where is he investing his time and energy and what is fueling this meteoric rise in influence?

In this episode we talk about:

What does it take to become an expert in your field - even if you are 14.
Making a difference by being different. Why Caleb has the attention of Grant Cardone and Gary V.
The Champion Mindset - expecting more than you can achieve and achieving it. 
Leveling Up - Do something everyday to become more of an expert. 
Social Media - Which social media accounts is Caleb using to grab the worlds attention.

"The gun that kills the most people is the "gonna” There is no better time than there is right now."  -Caleb Maddix
