Picture yourself on the wrong side of enemy lines. You are in the midst of a firefight and your survival is hinging solely upon the performance of your team. Now rewind back to the school-yard pick. What character traits would be most important when choosing each member of that team? 

Enter Army Ranger and Delta Force Veteran Travis Krauss, my guest on this week's episode of Influence. Travis has an unbelievable resume of combat experience, complimented by an equally impressive resume as a consultant, entrepreneur, and creator of the Las Vegas combat experience, Adventure Combat Ops. Travis joins me to talk about what it was like to be part of an elite team, and moreover, what 10+ years of combat has taught him about building companies and leading highly skilled teams. 

In this episode we talk about:

Self Assessment - Azimuth checks and being brutally honest with yourself.
What makes a great soldier?  The importance of purpose and commitment to the mission. 
Dealing with adversity Delta Force style. 
What does it mean to evaluate the 2nd and 3rd order of effects?
"Hustlers" and the importance of integrity in the face of opposition. 
Why building the RIGHT team is always better building the BEST team.
A combat story about drawing on your strengths to create value for your team.

"The unit (Delta Force) prides itself on being the best in the world NOT because they have the BEST operators, but because they have the RIGHT operators."  -Travis Krauss