Does a person's gender influence the way we interpret information about his or her ability? Heather Sarsons tests this hypothesis in a unique setting using Medicare data on referrals from physicians to surgical specialists. She finds that the referring physicians view their patients' surgical outcomes differently depending on whether the surgeon is a man or a woman.
- "Privilege: The Making of an Adolescent Elite at St. Paul's School" by Shamus Rahman Khan
- "The Privileged Poor: How Elite Colleges Are Failing Disadvantaged Students" by Anthony Abraham Jack
"Interpreting Signals in the Labor Market: Evidence from Medical Referrals" by Heather Sarsons

Does a person's gender influence the way we interpret information about his or her ability? Heather Sarsons tests this hypothesis in a unique setting using Medicare data on referrals from physicians to surgical specialists. She finds that the referring physicians view their patients' surgical outcomes differently depending on whether the surgeon is a man or a woman.


"Privilege: The Making of an Adolescent Elite at St. Paul's School" by Shamus Rahman Khan
"The Privileged Poor: How Elite Colleges Are Failing Disadvantaged Students" by Anthony Abraham Jack


"Interpreting Signals in the Labor Market: Evidence from Medical Referrals" by Heather Sarsons