In this episode of B2B Enablement, we're going to be talking about video marketing and how you can use it throughout the entire journey for your customers. Whether you're looking to create content for the awareness stage of the buying cycle, or for use later in the funnel, video is a powerful tool.

Podcast Summary and Timestamps - Links and Resources Located at the Bottom

[00:01:21] Introduction: Drew Franklin, Marketing Communications Manager at Altec

10+ years of experience in the marketing arena – primarily B2B and manufacturing and tech sectors
Started using video eight years ago
Communications manager at Altec leading the content team

[00:02:14] Getting Started

Video is not a fad, it is one of the best tools to drive engagement
You can easily start creating videos today if you have a computer or mobile phone with a camera
Start from there and scale up, you don't need to buy expensive or fancy equipment to get started
Use what you have – don't forget, there are also free tools at your disposal like Vidyard to help

[00:06:00] Production and Tools

Start where you can with what you have
Consider mics, lights, and cameras to help create a better environment when creating content
Links to Drew's suggestions can be found in the resources section at the bottom of these notes

[00:12:20] Content Distribution

Create content once and distribute forever by dividing that content up into multiple formats (IE Webinar can be spliced into audio clips and also a brochure)
Empower your reps to post videos on social
Get your message out organically using traditional mediums where you customers are (LinkedIn, other social platforms, google…etc)

[00:17:00] Importance of Video & How it Can Be Effective

Video can be diversely used for a range of different use cases
Not only for marketing – sales, customer service, customer success, everyone can use it

[00:18:00] Personalization

When possible, create personalized videos to increase engagement and response rates
Do some research on a specific individual or posts that they've done on LinkedIn and try and drive some engagement – can be difficult if you try to scale up because you're creating videos at 1:1 ratio for each prospect
When you need to use video to scale, consider using what you already have (webinars, podcasts, etc.) and chop it up into small chunks for your sales reps to use as touch points in their outreach

[00:29:00] Distribution Tools

Three main tools you need

Video creation software (eg. Vidyard or Wistia)
Sales engagement software to distribute the videos (eg. SalesLoft or email)
Sales enablement software to track content engagement (eg.

[00:38:30] Scripts and Messaging

Ask questions – assumptions are dangerous
Don't make a video assuming something about your prospect, ensure you know them so you can tailor your content to them
Try asking questions that lead to answering pain points
Messaging can be a case-by-case situation

[00:44:30] Hardware and Infrastructure

Drew shares a host of tips, tricks, and suggestions on how to select and use video hardware. From basic setups, to more advanced production rigs, he shares his thoughts on what you need to be successful.
List of hardware resources is included below.

Resources and Links from the Podcast

Video Audio & Lighting Kit – Starter Budget

Video Audio & Lighting Kit – Next Level

Video Audio & Lighting Kit – Professional Level

Wistia – Down and Dirty DIY Lighting Kit

Wistia – Editing Basics for Business Video

Predictable Revenue – Chain of Relevance Podcast - Video Marketing - Why B2B Businesses Need a Strategy - Sales Enablement

Tools and Software



Adobe Premiere



LinkedIn Profiles for our Guests

Drew Franklin's LinkedIn Profile -

Paul Tkach's LinkedIn Profile -

Dave Karr's LinkedIn Profile -