In this episode, Kristine Sizemore joins to discuss the importance of refining your sales training strategy for 2021. With so much changing in the world of solution selling since the pandemic, many organizations are struggling to pivot their sales operations to adapt to the new normal. We'll discuss ways that organizations can leverage new training techniques to ensure that their teams are equipped to succeed in 2021 as they navigate the post-COVID environment.

Introduction: Kristine Sizemore, President at Sandler Training

At Sandler Training, Kristine Sizemore works with companies that are doing well but looking to grow in terms of revenue, prospecting process, and having better conversations with customers in their ideal target market. She also helps companies that are tired of cutting costs to win deals when they don't need to. (Time stamped 1:00)

Discussion topics and time stamps

What are the fundamentals of what has changed in sales training since the pandemic? What has stayed the same? How should we be thinking about 2021? (Time stamped 2:20)

What sort of adaptations are organizations and sellers having to make to continue to stay relevant? How can organizations help train their sales teams on how to better adapt to the new normal? (Time stamped 6:25)

How are organizations looking at their training metrics to figure out if there is the stickiness factor in actually seeing results from what they're implementing in terms of training? (Time stamped 16:10)

How has training for channel partners or rep agents changed as we've morphed in 2020? How is that going to play out in 2021? (Time stamped 22:30)

What has changed in terms of the bid process? How are people handling the touchpoints in between in that process? (Time stamped 27:50)


You control the leading indicators of your success. We control what we do every day, every week, and every month.
Make sure you're really understanding what's going on with your prospects. Learn from your current clients. Make sure your process is in alignment with what matters most to them.
Learning from each other and pivoting and shifting based on what you're seeing in your marketplace can set you apart from your competition.


Kristine Sizemore:

Dave Karr:

Sandler Training:

Article - The Importance of B2B Sales Training: