Sergiu Crăiţoiu is the co-founder and game designer at Alien Pixel Studios, based in Romania. Alien Pixel Studios released what is in my opinion the best game of 2021, called Unbound: Worlds Apart for PC and Switch. A Playstation and Xbox port is in the works but no release date has been announced. Unbound: Worlds Apart is a 2D metroidvania platformer with unique portal mechanics, built in Unreal. 

In this episode we will discuss, kickstarter campaigns, is Unbound a metroidvania?, porting problems, level design, marketing, the decision to make a 2D game in Unreal, balancing difficulty, boss level design, finding investors, enemy design, and much more.

Unbound: Worlds Apart on Steam

Unbound: Worlds Apart on Switch

Unbound: Worlds Apart on Twitter: @UnboundTheGame

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