Hans Bömhe is the Lead Artist on BTF's Trüberbrook (2019). Trüberbrook is a point-and-click adventure game with a sci-fi/mystery plot and amazing visuals. You can get the game on PC, Switch, Xbox, and Playstation.

In this episode we will discuss going to school for game design, animation, streamlining PAC genre mechanics, photo grametry, Kickstarter, the importance of a first impression in a narrative game, UI and UX, and much more.

Trüberbrook on Steam

Trüberbrook on Switch

Trüberbrook on Xbox

Trüberbrook on Playstation

Trüberbrook on the web: trueberbrook.com

BTF on the web: btf.de

BTF on Twitter: @BTFcologne

IGI on Twitter: @IndieGameINTL

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IGI is a production of Su Madre Podcasts: https://sumadrepodcasts.com/

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