In this Episode, I (@Jivraj Singh Sachar) speak with Kabeer Biswas, Co-Founder of Dunzo.

Dunzo, as most you must know, is an on-demand delivery platform, which makes life easier for millions of Indians by fundamentally transforming the way we shop everything and transfer goods. Building a Postal Service for Indian Cities, Dunzo has an average delivery time of less than 25 Minutes, clocking more than 2 million transactions per month! Google’s first investment in India, and backed by other marquee institutional investors, Dunzo is on to a great mission, and is in tune to build a legendary company!

Kabeer started Dunzo as a WhatsApp service, delivering goods by himself, going door-to-door. The resilience, belief, grit and genuine desire to solve a problem especially standout through Kabeer’s journey.

Through this Episode we discuss the following:

1. (03:25) : "Doing things that don't scale" - The Founding Story of Dunzo

2. (07:58) : The secret to the Grit & Resilience to continue - The secret to the 20 hour shifts

3. (11:19) : Decision Making for a Founder

4. (14:26) : World Class Ambition from Day 0 - Understanding the Unit of Time

5. (18:21) : Resisting the temptation of Execution, and training yourself to be Thoughtful!

6. (24:15) : Optimising for Team Success at Dunzo!

7. (31:20) : The Sports Team Culture, Radical Honesty, Transparency and more behind Dunzo's Org. Culture

8. (33:52) : The strategy of City Roll-outs - Respecting the Fundamentals 

9. (39:10) : What is that Kabeer would look for an Investor?

10. (42:15) : What keeps Kabeer curious?

11. (45:45) : 3 Customer Stories through Dunzo's Journey!♥️

Here is the 41st Episode of the Indian Silicon Valley Podcast - Being Thoughtful!

Thank you all for tuning into this Episode!

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I, Jivraj, am reachable on LinkedIn & Twitter!

"If you never try, you never know"

Stay Tuned,

Keep Building.