How Did We Miss That? Is a show airing on YouTube/Twitch/Facebook Saturday/Sunday nights at midnight ET, reviewing a few stories we haven't seen covered anywhere else in Leftist media. co-hosted with @ReefBreland from @krtdmedia & @dorediscord. All of the stories were featured in our Substack, and at the top of IndependentLeft.News

Articles Covered in the 9/11/21 episode, all shared on from 9/5 - 9/11:

9/5 PM Edition

✏️  ‘Chilling The Press Has Consistently Outraged Me’: Ari Paul, FAIR via Popular Resistance

9/8 PM

✏️  Moscow police arrest journalists for picketing against ‘foreign agent’ designations: Sota on Telegram via (shared by ICIJ)

9/7 PM

✏️  What it takes to train hundreds of the best investigative reporters in the world: Anisha Kohli & Jelena Cosic, ICIJ

9/6 AM

The War on Terror Is a Giant Scam: Richard Medhurst (@richimedhurst)
The Completion Of The Afghanistan Withdrawal Is Nothing To Celebrate: Caitlin Johnstone (8/30)

9/7 AM

✏️  These corporations bankrolled the sponsors of Texas' abortion ban: Judd Legm & Tesnim Zekeria, Popular Information

9/9 AM

✏️  Indigenous Resistance Instrumental in Stopping High-Profile Fossil Fuel Projects, Says Report Nick Cunningham, DeSmog

9/10 AM

Nabisco Owner Sends Cease-and-Desist Letter to Bakers’ Union Pledging Legal Action: Sophie Peel, Williamette Week via Popular Resistance

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