How Did We Miss That? Is a show airing on YouTube/Twitch/Facebook Saturday/Sunday nights at midnight ET, reviewing a few stories we haven't seen covered anywhere else in Leftist media. co-hosted with @ReefBreland from @krtdmedia & @dorediscord. All of the stories were featured in our Substack, and at the top of IndependentLeft.News

Articles Covered in this Episode (Episode 02), all shared on the week ending 9/4/21:

Sunday 8/29

🏖️  I Wanted to Join the Legal Cannabis Industry. Now I’m Sitting in Prison.: Jonathan Wall, Truthout

Monday 8/30

🏖️  What’s behind the Teamsters’ unionization campaign at Amazon: Erik Schreiber, WSWS

Tuesday 8/31

🏖️  Afghanistan collapse reveals Beltway media’s loyalty to the permanent war state: Gareth Parter, The Grayzone
🏖️  750,000 Households May Face Eviction If Congress Doesn’t Act, Says Goldman Sachs: Sharon Zhang, Truthout

Wednesday 9/1

✏️  Ben Rhodes' Book Proves Obama Officials' Lies, and His Own, About Edward Snowden and Russia: Glenn Greenwald

Thursday, 9/2

✏️  'When We Drill, We Spill': Climate-Fueled Ida Behind Suspected Oil Spill in Gulf of Mexico: Jessica Corbett, CommonDreams

Friday, 9/3

✏️  Meet A Climate Change Fighter by Erin Brockovich (@erinbrockovich) & Suzanne Boothby (@suzannewriting)

Links to the 9/4 Episode of How Did We Miss That?, found here:




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