Previous Episode: Dancing with Vitality
Next Episode: From Stigma to Strength

This episode of The Inclusion Bites Podcast invites listeners into a candid discussion between Joanne Lockwood and Sarah Naylor, where they tackle the sensitive topics of body autonomy, environmental concerns, and the bravery needed to live authentically in a world full of expectations. Sarah narrates how her personal ethos towards health and our connection to food has evolved, touching on the insights gained from "The Plant Paradox" and the often-overlooked importance of cooking from scratch. Meanwhile, Joanne reflects on her own journey of self-discovery and the courage it takes to stand strong in the wake of negativity, especially from online trolling. The conversation takes a personal turn as both share their struggles with financial challenges and the liberating experience of living true to oneself.

Sarah is not only an enthusiastic coach but also a purveyor of positive change, with her own podcast and a presence on Insight Timer. Her mission to reframe thoughts and trick the subconscious into positivity is a testament to her dedication to personal growth and empowerment. Sarah shares stories of overcoming setbacks — such as her business going into administration and difficult family dynamics — all while maintaining her signature mix of pragmatism and optimism. With Joanne as the experienced host, they explore the intertwined paths of personal authenticity and the external pressures of conformity, whether it's in the waters we swim in or the vaccines we debate over.

From accidental bulk purchases to the comedic mishaps of over-sanitization, this episode offers a hearty mix of laughter and depth. Sarah stresses the importance of understanding one's own behaviour in the face of societal fears while emphasising the significance of environmental sustainability through personal anecdotes. Joanne, joining in from her wealth of inclusion expertise, resonates with Sarah's views on the world being an interconnected energy system and the pivotal role of authenticity for a richer life experience.

This rich dialogue concludes with an affirming reminder of the value found in authentic self-representation and the art of not just surviving but thriving amidst adversity. Joanne wraps up with an invitation for the listeners to subscribe and become an active part of the Inclusion Bites community.

A poignant takeaway from this episode is the resonating belief in one's ability to effect positive change by embracing authenticity and self-acceptance, regardless of societal pressures. Listeners are sure to find inspiration in Sarah and Joanne's stories of perseverance, learning along the way the balance between personal fulfillment and the conscious choice to interact with the world in a meaningful and sustainable manner.

The Courage to Be You: Food, Fashion and Finding Your Path

Sarah Naylor unravels the intimate journey towards self-acceptance, exploring personal resilience, the gritty reality of societal expectations, and the liberation found in embracing one’s unique kinks and story.

This episode of The Inclusion Bites Podcast invites listeners into a candid discussion between Joanne Lockwood and Sarah Naylor, where they tackle the sensitive topics of body autonomy, environmental concerns, and the bravery needed to live authentically in a world full of expectations. Sarah narrates how her personal ethos towards health and our connection to food has evolved, touching on the insights gained from "The Plant Paradox" and the often-overlooked importance of cooking from scratch. Meanwhile, Joanne reflects on her own journey of self-discovery and the courage it takes to stand strong in the wake of negativity, especially from online trolling. The conversation takes a personal turn as both share their struggles with financial challenges and the liberating experience of living true to oneself.

Sarah is not only an enthusiastic coach but also a purveyor of positive change, with her own podcast and a presence on Insight Timer. Her mission to reframe thoughts and trick the subconscious into positivity is a testament to her dedication to personal growth and empowerment. Sarah shares stories of overcoming setbacks — such as her business going into administration and difficult family dynamics — all while maintaining her signature mix of pragmatism and optimism. With Joanne as the experienced host, they explore the intertwined paths of personal authenticity and the external pressures of conformity, whether it's in the waters we swim in or the vaccines we debate over.

From accidental bulk purchases to the comedic mishaps of over-sanitization, this episode offers a hearty mix of laughter and depth. Sarah stresses the importance of understanding one's own behaviour in the face of societal fears while emphasising the significance of environmental sustainability through personal anecdotes. Joanne, joining in from her wealth of inclusion expertise, resonates with Sarah's views on the world being an interconnected energy system and the pivotal role of authenticity for a richer life experience.

This rich dialogue concludes with an affirming reminder of the value found in authentic self-representation and the art of not just surviving but thriving amidst adversity. Joanne wraps up with an invitation for the listeners to subscribe and become an active part of the Inclusion Bites community.

A poignant takeaway from this episode is the resonating belief in one's ability to effect positive change by embracing authenticity and self-acceptance, regardless of societal pressures. Listeners are sure to find inspiration in Sarah and Joanne's stories of perseverance, learning along the way the balance between personal fulfillment and the conscious choice to interact with the world in a meaningful and sustainable manner.


Published: 06.06.2024

Recorded: 28.03.2024

Duration: 1:00:53

Downloads: 31



AI Extracts and Interpretations

The Inclusion Bites Podcast #114: Kinks and All

Other Links

SEE Change Happen: The Inclusive Culture Experts

Inclusion Bites Podcast on YouTube

Clips and Notable Quotes

Embracing Life’s Second Chances: “I embarked and recognized, I should say, the opportunity to kick start my life and recreate my life and have a second opportunity at it in this lifetime.”— Sarah Naylor 00:02:4000:02:48

Exploring Personal Kinks: “You know, that’s about understanding who you are as a person and what you enjoy, and you can only find that out by doing a bit of exploration and embracing those elements of kink.”— Sarah Naylor 00:03:5800:04:08

Personal Growth and Authenticity: “But you’ve got to be you for who you are, then you’ll attract the people into your life who want to be around you for who you are, not because they you’re you’re you are who they want.”— Sarah Naylor 00:09:1500:09:26

Living Authentically: “my life is my life, and your life is your life. How you want to live it is entirely to you. And as long as you are living your life for you from a heart centered perspective and you are not doing anything overtly, deliberately, on purpose to hurt or upset or offend anybody, then that is all your business. You be you because you are gonna forge a way for change for other people.”— Sarah Naylor 00:09:5200:10:20

Financial Independence Challenges: “I’m used to and I have done for 40 odd years, you know, been able to be completely self sufficient, and I’ve always been, you know, main contributor to household incomes. And when you’re not and when you’re reliant upon somebody else, it’s kinda like, this isn’t oh, this is not this doesn’t feel right.”— Sarah Naylor 00:24:1700:24:36

The Pursuit of Happiness: “However, if you come back to thinking about yourself and what makes you happy, what really brings me the happiness is like when I went out for a trail run earlier, looking at the blossom on the trees, looking at the blue tits, looking at the nature, just actually being out there with my partner, enjoying it, stopping, taking pictures, having a having a kiss on the road on the track, you know, and just, like, enjoying ourselves.”— Sarah Naylor 00:26:1900:26:39

Impact of Urbanisation on Flooding: “we’ve got to stop paving over things because when we pave over things that we can’t the ground’s not absorbing all the rain. This is why there’s all the issues because it we need the ground and that all these new builds, it’s causing chaos everywhere because the ground’s bit you know, all that sort of soakaway area is gone. And we then pave over it, and there’s nowhere for the water to go.”— Sarah Naylor 00:37:3900:38:01

Impact of Health Measures on Personal Lives: “My dad had been in a care home at the time because he’d had a stroke, and there’s all this sort of stuff going on. So I sort of had to go with the flow, but it I how good was it?”— Sarah Naylor 00:42:1300:42:25

The Impact of Skincare Ingredients: “Really ought to have something much more natural because when you look at the ingredients on all these products, there’s there’s all I think there’s a whole whole issue of health.”— Sarah Naylor 00:43:0500:43:13

Culinary Self-Care: “And diet and your health and nutrition is very much on my agenda. Because I do enjoy cooking, but I’ve just it’s about putting boundaries in place.”— Sarah Naylor 00:46:1600:46:22

Definition of Terms Used
Plant Paradox

Definition: “The Plant Paradox” refers to the book by Dr. Stephen Gundry that explores the idea that certain ‘healthy’ foods might actually be harmful due to the presence of lectins, a type of protein that can disrupt digestion and cause inflammation.
Relevance: The concept is relevant to discussions about overall health and diet, as it challenges commonly held beliefs about food and nutrition, encouraging individuals to take a closer look at what they consume.
Examples: Foods high in lectins often include grains, beans, and certain vegetables, like tomatoes and peppers, which are conventionally perceived as healthy.
Related Terms: Lectins, Anti-nutrients, Inflammation, Autoimmune diseases
Common Misconceptions: A common misconception is that all plant-based foods are equally beneficial for health, disregarding the potential negative effects lectins can have on certain individuals.

Positive Reframing

Definition: Positive reframing is the psychological technique of shifting one’s perspective to view a situation or challenge in a more positive or opportunity-focused light, improving emotional well-being and outcomes.
Relevance: This concept is significant in personal development, as it helps individuals to cope with adversity and encourages constructive changes in their thoughts and actions.
Examples: Viewing failure as a learning experience or seeing a rejection as a redirection to better opportunities.
Related Terms: Cognitive Restructuring, Mindset, Resilience, Optimism
Common Misconceptions: There’s a misconception that positive reframing denies negative feelings or situations, whereas it truly aims to approach them from a growth-oriented perspective.

Authentic Self

Definition: One’s authentic self is the true expression of an individual’s personality, values, and preferences, unaltered by external pressures or societal expectations.
Relevance: The journey towards embracing one’s authentic self is pivotal in discussions of personal happiness, fulfillment, and inclusivity, as it celebrates individual uniqueness.
Examples: Choosing a career path that aligns with personal passion rather than societal conventions; openly sharing personal quirks or interests regardless of mainstream acceptance.
Related Terms: Self-Acceptance, Individuality, Personal Integrity
Common Misconceptions: A common misconception is that being authentic means being static, rather than understanding that individuals evolve, and so does their expression of authenticity.

Latex Fashion

Definition: Latex fashion refers to clothing and accessories made from latex rubber, often known for its tight-fitting and shiny appearance, used within certain subcultures and fashion niches.
Relevance: Latex fashion represents an example of personal expression and the diversity of tastes, channelling one’s character through a unique sartorial choice, often associated with courage to stand out.
Examples: Wearing latex dresses, pleaser boots, or planning a photoshoot in latex attire on a beach.
Related Terms: Alternative Fashion, Subculture Style, Fetish Wear
Common Misconceptions: A prevalent misconception is that latex fashion is exclusive to fetish communities, ignoring its broader adoption as a fashion statement by various individuals.

Soul Journey

Definition: The term ‘soul journey’ refers to the belief in a deeply personal and spiritual path of growth, development, and self-discovery that transcends individual lifetimes or experiences.
Relevance: This concept is relevant to discussions around resilience, personal challenges, and the interconnectedness between individuals and the universe, often leading to greater self-understanding.
Examples: Overcoming difficult life events by viewing them as lessons for the soul’s evolution, or finding purpose through connections with others and the world.
Related Terms: Spiritual Growth, Personal Development, Resilience
Common Misconceptions: Many associate the idea of a soul journey with particular religions or esoteric practices, rather than a broadly applicable framework for interpreting life’s ups and downs.

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Brought to you by your host

Joanne Lockwood
SEE Change Happen

A huge thank you to our wonderful

Sarah Naylor
The Norfolk Coastal Coach

The post Kinks and All appeared first on SEE Change Happen: The Inclusive Culture Experts.

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