Previous Episode: Hydrating Humanity
Next Episode: Kinks and All

In this engaging episode of The Inclusion Bites Podcast, host Joanne Lockwood is joined by Celynn Morin, who shares her effervescent approach to well-being through the lens of her French heritage and passion for the Champagne region. They pop the cork on a variety of topics, from the symbolism of champagne-making to the broader aspects of embracing vitality in life. Their conversation bubbles with insights on conscious consumption, the physiological merits of regulated breathing, and finding balance in our approach to food and drink without succumbing to stress or busyness. Joanne relates to these insights by reflecting on her own mindfulness practices, discussing the transformative power of being centred in effective communication.

Celynn is a registered dietitian turned well-being strategist who combines her rich cultural background with expertise in nutrition, workplace health, and stress management. From her early experience within the Jehovah's Witnesses to her professional speaking career, Celynn's journey is one of authenticity and self-discovery. Her family ties to the Champagne region in France infuse her narrative with a unique perspective on tradition, resilience, and the art of savouring life. Beyond her dietetic practice, Celynn also promotes holistic approaches to workplace well-being, underpinned by scientific research and accessible tools like her Wellbeing Calculator, which helps individuals assess and improve their daily habits.

Throughout the discussion, Joanne and Celynn touch on topics that resonate universally: the quest for joy and freedom, the pitfalls of the scarcity mindset, and the vital role of empathy in our interactions. They explore the psychological aspects of eating, the challenge of changing one's relationship with food, and strategies for conscious living that transcend dietary choices.

As they wrap up, Joanne invites listeners to contemplate the idea of having "sufficient" in life and the importance of taking time for self-care, while Celynn offers practical insights on attracting opportunities through relaxation and positive mindset. They underscore the power of small, personal declarations that contribute to a broader sense of well-being and abundance.

The podcast ends on an empowering note, urging listeners to embrace curiosity, joy, and freedom in their quest for personal growth. Joanne's heartfelt encouragement to subscribe and share echoes their mutual desire to foster a community that thrives on thoughtful, inclusive conversation.

This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to infuse their life with a dose of vitality and well-being, with Celynn's infectious enthusiasm and practical advice serving as a spirited guide to living a life sparkling with possibility. The insightful exchange between Joanne and Celynn strikes a chord with all who seek a balanced approach to health, happiness, and personal fulfilment.

Embracing Mindfulness: Strategies for Conscious Consumption

Celynn Morin explores the effervescence of well-being, advocating mindful consumption and holistic self-care through the metaphor of champagne making.

In this engaging episode of The Inclusion Bites Podcast, host Joanne Lockwood is joined by Celynn Morin, who shares her effervescent approach to well-being through the lens of her French heritage and passion for the Champagne region. They pop the cork on a variety of topics, from the symbolism of champagne-making to the broader aspects of embracing vitality in life. Their conversation bubbles with insights on conscious consumption, the physiological merits of regulated breathing, and finding balance in our approach to food and drink without succumbing to stress or busyness. Joanne relates to these insights by reflecting on her own mindfulness practices, discussing the transformative power of being centred in effective communication.

Celynn is a registered dietitian turned well-being strategist who combines her rich cultural background with expertise in nutrition, workplace health, and stress management. From her early experience within the Jehovah's Witnesses to her professional speaking career, Celynn's journey is one of authenticity and self-discovery. Her family ties to the Champagne region in France infuse her narrative with a unique perspective on tradition, resilience, and the art of savouring life. Beyond her dietetic practice, Celynn also promotes holistic approaches to workplace well-being, underpinned by scientific research and accessible tools like her Wellbeing Calculator, which helps individuals assess and improve their daily habits.

Throughout the discussion, Joanne and Celynn touch on topics that resonate universally: the quest for joy and freedom, the pitfalls of the scarcity mindset, and the vital role of empathy in our interactions. They explore the psychological aspects of eating, the challenge of changing one's relationship with food, and strategies for conscious living that transcend dietary choices.

As they wrap up, Joanne invites listeners to contemplate the idea of having "sufficient" in life and the importance of taking time for self-care, while Celynn offers practical insights on attracting opportunities through relaxation and positive mindset. They underscore the power of small, personal declarations that contribute to a broader sense of well-being and abundance.

The podcast ends on an empowering note, urging listeners to embrace curiosity, joy, and freedom in their quest for personal growth. Joanne's heartfelt encouragement to subscribe and share echoes their mutual desire to foster a community that thrives on thoughtful, inclusive conversation.

This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to infuse their life with a dose of vitality and well-being, with Celynn's infectious enthusiasm and practical advice serving as a spirited guide to living a life sparkling with possibility. The insightful exchange between Joanne and Celynn strikes a chord with all who seek a balanced approach to health, happiness, and personal fulfilment.


Published: 30.05.2024

Recorded: 01.03.2024

Duration: 0:57:04

Downloads: 25



AI Extracts and Interpretations

The Inclusion Bites Podcast #112: Dancing with Vitality

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Clips and Insights

Workplace Well-being and Mental Health: “how we are is how we are regardless of where we are. So our mental health or how we’re thinking and processing things, some days we can have lots of energy, some days not.”

— Celynn Morin [00:02:11 → 00:02:20]

The Importance of Gut Health: “Everything that we eat will affect the gut and specifically the gut microbiome, which is this universe of bacteria and viruses and all kinds of organisms without which we can’t survive.”

— Celynn Morin [00:04:27 → 00:04:39]

Stress Eating and Cravings: “And so a lot of the blood will then move away from the internal organs, the digestive system towards the brain. However, some of us may find that we have an increased appetite, especially for sugary foods, because when we are feeling stressed, we release more cortisol and glycogen and glucose into the blood, and so you can then crave sweet things, which is why when people are stressed, they often say, I have to eat more cake or I really feel like alcohol or I need stimulants.”

— Celynn Morin [00:07:57 → 00:08:22]

Understanding Alcohol Consumption: “don’t drink to forget, Drink to celebrate.”

— Celynn Morin [00:24:42 → 00:24:45]

Mindfulness and Stress Management: “And what if we learn to sit in stillness and just be with our breath, with ourselves, with our thoughts, with the feelings?”

— Celynn Morin [00:25:54 → 00:26:02]

The Benefits of Mindful Breathing: “when you regulate your breathing, when you slow it down, and that can happen in, in as few as, you know, 2 or 3 breaths, you reduce your blood pressure, you increase what we call heart rate variability, which is an important predictor for well-being and stress management.”

— Celynn Morin [00:27:42 → 00:27:56]

Embracing Self-Discovery After Leaving a Religious Community: “And so it’s been a very sacred and delicate journey. You know? It’s been almost 10 years now and 7 years since I’ve been in the UK, and moving to the United Kingdom was one of the best decisions I made because I had to move I had to create distance between that part of my life.”

— Celynn Morin [00:35:14 → 00:35:31]

The Pursuit of Joy: “So joy is an internal job. How can I manage my own joy despite what’s happening around me? And that’s really my focus, or it has been for the last few years, but currently is how can I just be me and joyful?”

— Celynn Morin [00:41:06 → 00:41:19]

The Paradox of Success: “the more they seem to have, the less happy they are because there’s a sense of, well, you know, I could lose it all.”

— Celynn Morin [00:43:56 → 00:44:02]

The Power of Relaxation and Meditation: “we literally create a different electromagnetic field around us, and we attract different people and opportunities.”

— Celynn Morin [00:49:18 → 00:49:25]


Definition of Terms Used
Conscious Consumption

Definition: Conscious consumption involves making purchasing decisions with awareness of their impact on the environment, health, and society. It’s about choosing to consume products and services responsibly and sustainably.
Relevance: Conscious consumption is critical in the context of personal wellbeing and social responsibility. It encourages individuals to be mindful of their physical and mental health, and it reduces negative impacts on the world.
Examples: Opting for locally sourced, organic produce; reducing plastic usage; and buying from companies with a strong commitment to ethical practices.
Related Terms: Sustainable living, Ethical consumerism, Minimalism
Common Misconceptions: A common misunderstanding is that conscious consumption is costly and inconvenient. In reality, it can save money in the long-term and is often a healthier, more fulfilling way to live.

Physiological Benefits of Breathing

Definition: This refers to the positive effects that controlled breathing exercises have on the body’s physical functions, such as reducing blood pressure, lowering stress levels, and improving overall wellbeing.
Relevance: In the podcast, understanding these benefits is essential for appreciating how simple practices like regulated breathing can significantly enhance one’s quality of life and performance.
Examples: Diaphragmatic breathing, Pranayama in yoga, or using a breathing app to guide exercises.
Related Terms: Mindfulness meditation, Stress management, Relaxation techniques
Common Misconceptions: Many believe that breathing is purely automatic and requires no particular attention. However, intentional breathing can profoundly influence the nervous system and improve health.

Unconditional Love

Definition: Unconditional love is a type of affection without limitations or conditions. It’s showing love and acceptance to someone regardless of their actions or beliefs.
Relevance: This concept of love is paramount when discussing the benefits of inclusivity and acceptance, especially in overcoming personal challenges such as leaving a community or facing adversity due to belief systems.
Examples: Supporting a friend or family member despite significant life changes, or offering non-judgemental assistance to those in need.
Related Terms: Empathy, Altruism, Compassion
Common Misconceptions: Some may think that unconditional love means tolerating harmful behavior or not having personal boundaries. However, it actually refers to care and respect regardless of conditions, while maintaining one’s own health and standards.

Scarcity Mindset

Definition: A scarcity mindset is the belief that there is never enough, whether it’s resources, time, or something else, leading to feelings of stress and competition.
Relevance: Overcoming a scarcity mindset is essential for personal wellbeing and achieving a balanced life, a theme central to this podcast episode.
Examples: Hoarding resources during a perceived shortage, or passing up opportunities for rest and regeneration out of fear of falling behind.
Related Terms: Abundance mindset, Zero-sum thinking
Common Misconceptions: It is often assumed that a scarcity mindset is solely related to material wealth. In fact, it can apply to any area of life, including time, relationships, and emotional support.

Wellbeing Calculator

Definition: The wellbeing calculator is a tool designed to assess an individual’s lifestyle habits and their impact on their overall health and wellbeing. It often factors in activities related to sleep, nutrition, hydration, exercise, and mental health.
Relevance: In the podcast, such a tool is indicative of the importance of quantifying and acknowledging various aspects of one’s daily routine for the purpose of enhancing wellbeing.
Examples: An online self-assessment platform where one can input daily habits and receive feedback on potential areas for improvement.
Related Terms: Health metrics, Lifestyle audit
Common Misconceptions: People might believe that wellbeing calculators are overly prescriptive or reductive. In actuality, they serve to provide a snapshot of one’s habits and are a starting point for positive change.

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Brought to you by your host

Joanne Lockwood
SEE Change Happen

A huge thank you to our wonderful

Celynn Morin
Celynn Morin

The post Dancing with Vitality appeared first on SEE Change Happen: The Inclusive Culture Experts.

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