In this (LOL very much belated - Oops) Halloween/Samhain episode, I explore some of Phantom’s mythological roots. In particular, I explore some of our Erik’s connections to/resonances with deities of the underworld, death and passion! Oh, and apologies for the issues with the sound-quality. Tech weirdness!

In this (LOL very much belated - Oops) Halloween/Samhain episode, I explore some of Phantom’s mythological roots. In particular, I explore some of our Erik’s connections to/resonances with deities of the underworld, death and passion! Oh, and apologies for the issues with the sound-quality. Tech weirdness!

Support In This Labyrinth: Justice From the Heart of The Phantom Of The Opera


Hades: Greek God of the UnderworldPluto: Roman God of Death and the UnderworldBaron Samedi — Lord of sex and death in the Haitian Vodou tradition.Haitian Vodou — More info on the religion of Vodou as practiced in the Haitian tradition.Matchmaker II: Perfect Pitch — The Phanfic where I saw the resonances between Leroux Erik and Baron Samedi explored.