Welcome to the 100th Episode of inTheir20s. For the past 2 years, we've shared iconic episodes with the World's most influential people about what they did in their 20s. People like Steve Wozniak, Jason Calacanis, David Sacks, Cathy Bessant, Ev Williams, Beto O'Rourke, Chantel Jeffries, Mayor Francis Suarez, Kat Cole, Dr. Meg Jay, Tim Hardaway Sr, AJ Vaynerchuk, Sekou Kaalund, Andy Dunn, and more. This episode will be a little different than what we usually do. This is a reflection on building inTheir20s. In this 3 part episode, we speak about methods to getting the best guests on the podcast; dealing with the tragic passing of inTheir20s co-host Michael Holmes; and leveraging the podcast to get a full-time role in media.