What's up Trench Mob!  This Monday we bring to you a Trenches BONUS episode that was recorded during Podcast Movement Orlando back in August.  We had the pleasure of meeting this amazing couple from Houston, Sharita & Quincy Humphrey.  Within 5 minutes of conversing with Sharita and Quincy, we instantly knew we wanted them in the Trenches with us.  We were able to record, and although it was shorter than our normal episodes, it provided the same impact.

Key points from Episode

Twitter is a #1 source to get a companies attention...PERIOD!  Quincy stated that the head requires a neck to help turn it Being submissive to your husband as that is the role of a queen And that marriage is a gift

It is our pleasure to welcome Sharita Humphrey to the official Trench Mob Staff.  

About Sharita:

Sharita M. Humphrey is a certified financial education coach and consultant with the goal of finding ways to restructure, maintain, and grow her clients finances through real-world strategies, resources and a supportive online community.

Website: www.sharitamhumphrey.com 

You can follow her on Social Media at @sharitamh on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram