Jordan Harbinger is the host of a top 50 iTunes podcast (The Jordan Harbinger Show) with over 4 million downloads per month. This makes Jordan's show one of the most popular shows in the world. Today, I sit down with Jordan to discuss how he grew his podcast from scratch in such a short amount of time, how he was able to recover from a challenging business breakup, how he was able to reframe "starting over" as a positive, and tips and tricks you can use to grow your reach and influencer through a podcast.


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In this broadcast, Jordan Harbinger and I talk about:


How Jordan was able to get 1 MM downloads on his new podcast
What it was like to start a business over from scratch
Why it is important to reframe ¨starting over from scratch¨ to ¨moving forward with new experience¨and the role this played for Jordan
How a personal brand allows a podcaster to have a wider array of guests and topics
Why strong brand alignment doesn't need an explanation
How pivoting a business can give you the opportunity to better server your clients (even if you're serving the same market)
Growth strategies that accelerate the reach and downloads of a podcast show
Why it is important to share your success and struggles with your audience


How to connect with Jordan Harbinger online:


Jordan Harbinger show


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